And the killing goes on. I have been readng and reading and reading in order to try to understand not only what is happening now in Lebanon and Israel, but what has led to this and who are the people on all sides. As I have mentioned, I am reading Thomas Friedman's book,
From Beirut to Jerusalem and it is providing much of the context that I am seeking. Today I cam across an article from the newspaper,
The Guardian, and it provides much insight into the
Hizbollah, in their own words. Take a look.
I received an email with a video attachment. It is an interview of Dr. Wafa Sultan, who is a Syrian-American psychiatrist living outside Los Angeles. Prior to March 11, 2006, she was largely unknown outside of her own circles. The vidwo was done in February, 2006 and it is an interview from the Al Jazeerah Network. It speaks for itself, so take a look and listen. came across this
article byJohn. M. Broder from the NY Times with background on Dr. Sultan.