Talk about synchronicity and what goes around comes around and what with the combination of insomnia and the wonders of the Internet, you are bound to make connections that could not otherwise be made. Here's how it happened.
I layed in bed until 5 AM and finally said to myself, OK, this is it, I'm getting up. With water bottle in hand, and glasses pasted on my face, I sat myself down at my computer and opened up my email. Ann, my friend who owns a literary travel company, Classical Pursuits, is presently on an adventure of a lifetime. She is walking a 500 mile walk - the ancient pilgrimage, the Camino de Santiagode Compostela. The thing is, though I'd talked to Ann on the phone the night before she left home in Toronto, she never mentioned that she'd be blogging or posting on facebook, so having received two emails, I was just waiting for more. Then today, in the wee hours of the morning, I found the email that informed me of her facebook posts.
Upon reading the posts, starting at the beginning (a very good place to start...but I diverge), I found a response from Kathleen, who is another good friend. So, I replied to Kathy's reply, asking her how she knew about Ann's facebook foray and I did not (I was feeling a bit left out)? I clicked on Kathy's fb profile page to find my reply, so I could basically cut and paste it onto Ann's Classical Pursuits page on facebook. At the top of Kathy's page, I read her comment:"Great evening last night at Starlight. The Producers was wonderful."and was about to respond that I'd seen The Producers. on Broadway and blah, blah, blah. But, before I could submit my post, I noticed something else on her page. Turns out her son, Mitch, is quite a talented photographer, and had been in NYC, and took some amazing pictures, which were posted on his web page, which Kathy had posted on her fb profile page. I looked at the pictures and proceeded to send them to my daughter, who lives in NYC and I was curious to know if she would recognize all of the places, and to my brother who is taking a digital photography class for the fist time in his life, and himself shooting pictures in the city, and I thought he'd appreciate these.
So, now an hour has gone by and I still hadn't read any but one of Ann's posts about the first several days of her 500 mile walk. But, there were more connections to make and people to see. I never did find my reply to Kathy's reply about Ann's "Walk", but I noticed the next post on Kathy's fb page, Best blog on New York Citywww.getnycd.wordpress.com., which I couldn't resist, so away I clicked. It took me to a blog about all things NYC, written by a young woman who lives there. Before I could start reading the most recent post about wanting home cooked BBQ, despite the myriad of culinary choices in the city, I happened to notice the Blogroll on the sidebar which included, among some other 30 or so blogs, one called, Musings from French Life, and this got my attention because I happened to know that Kathy's other child is studying in France for the year. It was, in fact, Kathy's daughter's blog. Of course I had to leave a comment, asking if it was Katie, Kathy's daughter, etc. etc. At this point, I had to return to the "getnyc" blog, to remark about my BBQ experiences in Kansas City, and imply my connections with her connections. I was beginning to feel like the whole world was connected. Hey, maybe it is!
I returned to Kathy's fb page, commented on her son's talent, as well as let her know how her inclusion of Mitch's webpage and the best blog in NYC had taken me on an early morning ride of connections and inter-connections, which is how I got here, to my own blog, Sherril's Myriad of Musings.
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