And the killing goes on. I have been readng and reading and reading in order to try to understand not only what is happening now in Lebanon and Israel, but what has led to this and who are the people on all sides. As I have mentioned, I am reading Thomas Friedman's book, From Beirut to Jerusalem and it is providing much of the context that I am seeking. Today I cam across an article from the newspaper, The Guardian, and it provides much insight into the Hizbollah, in their own words. Take a look.
I received an email with a video attachment. It is an interview of Dr. Wafa Sultan, who is a Syrian-American psychiatrist living outside Los Angeles. Prior to March 11, 2006, she was largely unknown outside of her own circles. The vidwo was done in February, 2006 and it is an interview from the Al Jazeerah Network. It speaks for itself, so take a look and listen.
I came across this article byJohn. M. Broder from the NY Times with background on Dr. Sultan.
When, oh when will all this madness come to an end?!
I read "From Beirut to Jerusalem" some years back. It was informative.
L.V and NTGT,
Thank you both for stopping by. It seems to me that the troubles for Israel come in cycles and I guess, the time has come again. I look forward to when I turn on the radio and Israel is not at the Top of the News.
Come again.
Dr. Sultan, I did a post on her a while back. What a woman and how brave it was to speak up against radical ideology. She received death threats and had to go into hiding. More people should hear what she has to say.
Tom Friedman also had some great comments on Fresh Aire with Terry Gross quite recently- I think he's got it right.
I strongly recommend to you to read Tom Friedman's book, From Beirut to Jerusalem. I saw him being interviewed by Tim Russert before he left for the Middle East (where he is now) and he mentioned that that book is as relevant today as it was when he was researching it 1982. I am reading it and I see what he means. I will look for the archives to listen to him on Terry Gross' program (she is my all time favorite sister and I went to see her in NYC a few years ago).
Ricardo, send people over my way and they will hear what she had to say. I do wonder how she has the courage to say it.
You got it.
Wow Sherrill! Still can't claim to understand all of it, but it was very interesting. (Dr. Sultan) She's got a lot of guts!
I've posted a link to your post on the With-Sticks-And-Stones blog and will slide one into mine in the next day or so. Must sleep now.
Ricardo...been over to your blog and saw the link....thank you thank you.
BBE...Yes, if only there were a few more Dr. Sultans, willing and able to speak out in a world that kills for less. Just came from your blog too and it gave me a lot to think about.
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