I thought it would be fun to take a lot of pictures old and new and put them side by side to see the many sides of myself. Of couse I am having some difficulty uploading and then placing them where I want them to be and it's getting late and I'm getting sleepy, so, I'll just post them as they are and reconsider tomorrow.
Amazing what a dead ringer you were for Tony Danza at one stage of your life, and Mr. Potatohead at another. Glad you outgrew it!
Nope, Dave, have never really grown out of any period or personage of my life; am a conglomeration of them all. As for Tony Danza, as you will recall that cyber cite gave him as my celebrity look-alike and it was with a different picture.
One of the kids that I worked with would say, Oh, here comes Mrs. Potato Head whenever he saw me, because PH is part of the language routiness that I do with all of the kids that I work with.
BTW, Dave...question. I was perusing Worship Naked's blog and saw a few current comments from a Dave...is that Dave, you, Dave?
'Tis I. I don't blog so sometimes I comment. There's probably something vaguely parasitic about that. Actually, I became acquainted with YOUR blog because you had commented on something in WorshipNaked, and I was curious about the identity of the writer of the comment.
Yes, I remember you telling me that and also that what attracted you to Tracy's blog was the religious nature of it. At that time I didn't realize it, but now I do. She is a fine writer. I love her posts about her neice.
Isn't it fun to take out those old pics?
And is it true that you comment regularly on WORSHIP NAKED!!!!!
My, that's one side of you the pics don't reveal!
It's raining cats and dogs here in northern NJ. I don't comment regularly on WorshipNaked, but sometimes. The poster, though a bit too religious for my taste, is an excellent writer and I enjoy her explanations of her escapades and talking about "her beloved" (her hub) and her neice. As for the name of it, it is is some biblical reference....a might good entendre (sp?)
BTW, Amishav, did you recognize the Bedouin dresses. That pic is from 1968 and it could have been taken today, right?
I haven't aged so I'm not posting any photos that prove otherwise! You look great!
Love the photos. I'm particularly fond of Ms. Potato Head.
The angry baby picture with the arms folded is classic but certainly not real. At least I hope it's not ;-) All old photos of me have been burned. They will never be shown onmy 2 bit site. I admire your courage.
Such a shame. I'd love to see pics of little Ricardo. I'm not sure how to read your comment that you admire my "courage" for posting pics of myself. Hmmm.
Yes, I definitley relate to our Ms. Potato Head too.
Thanks. I guess I look ok for an "old broad". It's us Boomers who were supposed to never grow old. Or so we thought.
No harm intended. I was just speaking for me and not having the nerve to do it as little Ricardo is nothing more than a distant memory.
Aw Ricardo. That's so sad you feel that way. Sherril-It looks like you have had a full and interesting life.
I challenge you to look far and wide and find that one picure of "Little Ricky" (you know, like in I Love Lucy) and all your readers will love it. I understand why you don't have pics because of the parents you had and being brought up by your grandparents, but there just has to be one pic left somewhere.
Yes, my life has been full, so why am I still so confused and often not satisfied????
Very nice pics sherril. I have been thinking of a movie that you may enjoy. Its called The Photographer (2000). http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0240802/
Thanks, Clay. I will take a look at The Photographer.
I simply can't it will ruin my blogging career.
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